San Diego Biz Law
San Diego Divorce Lawyers

We Are The Ones Lawyers, Fortune 500 CEOs and Dealmakers Call...

Divorce LawyerOur family law division was started because our CEO clients were getting into very complex divorce situations. We learned complex divorce before we learned easy ones, so we are comfortable with both. The many skills we mastered with business litigation at San Diego Biz Law have served us well: strategic litigation, persuasive writing, proper presentation of evidence, relentless combat, and, if we are lucky, high-level negotiation without the necessity for litigation. We share all of the skills developed in one of the most respected litigation firms with you for one of the most difficult times of your life. Additionally, we take the business of law to a different level. You can expect your calls rapidly returned; we know you are under great stress. We will act rapidly and effectively, and you can expect a level of customer service few law firms offer. We are so much more than a law firm.

Divorce can be emotionally and financially grueling to all parties involved. With the right divorce lawyer, the path to a new beginning can be easier to fulfill. Due to the fact that almost  every divorce carries its own complexities, it is essential that you have the right divorce lawyer that can lay out all existing and potential issues so that you can be fully aware of the choices  involved throughout all phases of the divorce proceedings. Just as in business litigation, you have to be prepared; you need to be at least two steps ahead of your opponent. You cannot go into this battle unprepared or unarmed.

Here at San Diego Biz Law, our divorce lawyers have handled a wide variety of cases, from simple to some of the most complex divorce cases in the state of California.  San Diego Biz Law  is different compared to other firms in that not only do our divorce lawyers offer high stake resolutions to complex legal issues, but we are one of the only few firms in the country that can provide you with many unique services and strategies (we won't give them away here as your spouse may visit the site) so that you know that you are getting what you deserve and what is fair.



There are three main ways to end a marriage...


Our child custody lawyer protects the rights of children, mothers & fathers...


It is important to note that spousal support is not mandatory...

Our divorce lawyers are people persons  with  law degrees—they understand your need for fair pricing, solid execution, and swift performance. San Diego Biz Law is about solutions.

San Diego Divorce Lawyer

Some people search out divorce lawyers who prefer an ugly case or play dirty tricks. Our lead attorney, Steven Riznyk, understands the dynamics of this thinking due to his special training that has made him a skilled negotiator for political figures, actors, entrepreneurs, and government agents. He gets how you think and how your spouse thinks; this insight is priceless. In some cases, people feel better having a lawyer like this. Understandable if you feel slighted or hurt by your soon-to-be ex-spouse. However, that strategy will sometimes cost you dearly, in real dollars.

For example, a divorce lawyer may seek to have a receiver placed in a company when there is no real need (ie just a 'hunch' that the other spouse is mismanaging it). Mr Riznyk has witnessed situations where this has led to the destruction of the company. Did the angry spouse achieve a victory? No, the person lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in future income. When the money is gone, no one gets it.

It makes more sense to play smart and hard, than emotional and dirty. Divorce law is about getting what is fair, what you deserve, what makes sense. Playing dirty often costs you more money, and the other spouse more headaches. When you push on a shoulder, what does it do? It resists or pushes back. The other side will play dirty with you as well.

Another reason to play smart is because if children are involved, believe us that there will be countless times when you will need the other side to help you because something comes up and you just can't honor

Divorce Attorneyyour obligation. This will happen; life happens regardless of your needs. If you played a dirty game, you will get your payback at the most pressing times and there will be nothing you can do about it. You are stuck with that co-parent for many years to come. Call now at 619-793-4827 (we sometimes work later than we would wish}.

In another case, the opposing spouse had the lawyer bring our client to ex parte (ie

short notice urgent hearings) every couple of days. What did this accomplish? It made the lawyer wealthier but only forced our client to retaliate with an effective counter-measure that put an end to that nonsense.

We could go on and on with examples. You get the point, We suggest you consider playing smart and hard; the fact that we play smart does not mean we are not aggressive and relentless, it just means we play very strategically. This leaves the parties with more money to distribute to each other and the children. On the other hand, if your spouse plays dirty, hides assets, and conducts other stupid behavior, we will hire someone to trace the assets and bring it to light. There are ways of doing things that work. We learned from our business law division. And yes, if there is a business involved, that is where we really shine. Steven RIznyk, our lead attorney, started in the business world at age 13 and when he went to Harvard to refresh his business knowledge in 2000 he later became a consultant in Business Process Re-engineering and was trained by one of the masters. This area re-arranges how a business does what it does. As a result, in short order

he can have a mental x-ray of the business and knows where to look and what he is looking for, like a German Shepherd sniffing bombs. If something just doesn't seem right, he will figure out how to get to the bottom of things.

Our firm operates like a surgical team. We have people who specialize in the different areas. You may need someone for an hour and then someone else for an hour or more. We assemble talent so that you have the best chances of success. It is what we do.It is how we win cases other lawyers turn down because they feel it cannot be won. Of course, it doesn't hurt that when it comes to resolution we are very creative; do you like our URL?

Our lawyers’ enthusiasm for both their work and clients is contagious. We love what we do and it shows. We change the direction of peoples' and families’ lives. We take this work seriously. Call us now and let's ascertain what we can plan for your future. (619) 793-4827. We are conveniently located behind the La Jolla Marriott on La Jolla Village Drive and Genesee as well as downtown.

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